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OIDA: Mastering Packet Analysis - The Art of Analysis

Introduction to the Analyze Phase

In the OIDA methodology (Observe, Identify, Dissect, Analyze), the Analyze phase represents the culmination of the packet examination process. This final stage transforms the refined data from the Dissect phase into actionable insights, enabling network administrators and security professionals to solve problems, optimize performance, and enhance security. Analysis is where the true value of packet examination is realized, turning raw network data into a compelling narrative about network behavior.

This article is part of a series. Each article covers one of the four phases of OIDA: Observe, Identify, Dissect, Analyze.

The essence of network analysisOida_Analyze_v22

Understanding the analysis process requires recognizing that it's not merely about looking at data; it's about interpreting the story the packets tell. It involves correlating information across multiple packets and streams, recognizing patterns and anomalies, and contextualizing the data within the broader network environment. This process demands both technical skill and intuitive understanding, blending the science of data interpretation with the art of problem-solving.

Key analysis techniques

Pattern recognition

At the heart of effective analysis lies pattern recognition. Analysts must develop an eye for discerning normal traffic flow patterns from abnormal ones, identifying deviations from standard protocol behavior that might indicate issues or attacks, and recognizing unusual timing patterns that could signal performance problems or suspicious activity. Tools like Wireshark's IO Graphs and IOTA's various dashboards are invaluable in this process, offering visual representations of traffic patterns over time that allow analysts to spot trends and anomalies quickly.

Performance analysis

Performance analysis forms another crucial aspect of this phase. Here, analysts dive deep into metrics such as latency, throughput, and retransmission rates by measuring the time taken for packets to travel between network points, evaluating actual data transfer rates against expected values, and understanding the causes of packet retransmissions. Wireshark's TCP Stream Graphs and IOTA's TCP Flows feature provide powerful capabilities for this type of in-depth performance evaluation, allowing analysts to dissect the behavior of individual data streams.

tcp-slow-start (1)

Image courtesy of

Security analysis

In today's threat-laden digital landscape, security analysis has become an indispensable part of packet examination. Analysts must be adept at detecting potential intrusions by identifying traffic patterns that might indicate unauthorized access attempts. They need to recognize the telltale signs of malware activity in network traffic and be vigilant for unusual outbound traffic that could signal data exfiltration attempts. While Wireshark's protocol dissectors can help identify suspicious payloads, and its conversation statistics can highlight unusual communication patterns, IOTA's Security dashboard takes this a step further by providing real-time insights and detailed packet information for potential security threats.


Application behavior analysis

Understanding application behavior through network traffic is another critical skill in the analyst's repertoire. This involves examining the intricacies of application-layer protocols to understand how applications communicate, recognizing patterns that suggest inefficient use of network resources, and correlating application performance with network metrics. Tools like Wireshark's protocol-specific analysis features and IOTA's Application dashboard offer invaluable insights into this realm, allowing analysts to bridge the gap between network performance and application behavior.

Advanced analysis techniques

Time-based analysis

As analysts gain experience, they often find themselves employing more advanced techniques. Time-based analysis, for instance, involves examining the time differences between related packets to identify delays or inefficiencies and understanding the order and timing of packet sequences to diagnose protocol or application issues. Wireshark's Time Sequence graph for TCP streams is particularly useful for this type of analysis, offering a visual representation of packet timing that can reveal subtle issues.

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Comparative analysis

Comparative analysis is another powerful technique in the advanced analyst's toolkit. By comparing current traffic patterns against established baselines or conducting before-and-after analyses of network changes, analysts can identify deviations from normal behavior and assess the impact of network modifications. Both Wireshark and IOTA support the loading and comparison of multiple capture files, facilitating this type of in-depth comparative study.


Heuristic analysis

Sometimes, traditional analysis techniques aren't sufficient to uncover complex issues. This is where heuristic analysis comes into play. It involves using experience and intuition to identify potential issues that might not be immediately apparent from the data, applying knowledge of network architectures, protocols, and common problems to guide the investigation, and developing and testing hypotheses about network behavior based on observed data. This type of analysis often requires creative use of the tools available in Wireshark and IOTA, combining different features in novel ways to gain new insights.


From analysis to action

The ultimate goal of the Analyze phase is to translate insights into action. This might involve generating reports that summarize findings in a clear, actionable format for stakeholders, recommending specific changes or interventions based on the analysis, or setting up ongoing analysis processes to track the effectiveness of implemented solutions. Both Wireshark and IOTA offer reporting capabilities to help communicate findings effectively, ensuring that the fruits of analysis can be easily shared and acted upon.

Analysis visual_v1 (1)The iterative nature of analysis

It's important to remember that effective analysis is often iterative. Initial findings may lead to new questions, requiring analysts to revisit earlier phases of OIDA. The key is to remain curious, methodical, and open to unexpected discoveries. Each iteration through the analysis process can bring new insights, refine understanding, and lead to more effective solutions.


Self-reflection in analysis

As analysts work through the Analyze phase, they should continually ask themselves probing questions: Have all relevant traffic patterns been identified and examined? Has a thorough performance analysis been conducted? Have potential security implications been considered? How do application behaviors impact network performance? Has time-based analysis been applied to understand the sequence and timing of network events? Have comparative analyses been performed? Has heuristic analysis been employed to uncover less obvious issues?


Conclusion: the power of comprehensive analysis

By addressing these questions and applying the analysis techniques discussed, analysts can comprehensively examine network data. This thorough approach leads to meaningful insights and effective problem-solving, transforming the art and science of packet analysis into tangible improvements in network performance, security, and reliability.

In conclusion, the Analyze phase of OIDA is where packet examination truly comes to life. It's here that the diligent work of observation, identification, and dissection pays off, yielding insights that can drive real-world improvements in network operations. As you master the techniques of analysis and learn to leverage the powerful features of tools like Wireshark and IOTA, you'll find yourself not just reading network traffic but truly understanding the complex digital conversations that underpin our connected world.


This article is part of a series. Each article covers one of the four phases of OIDA: Observe, Identify, Dissect, Analyze.