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NIS2 compliance: Safeguarding critical network infrastructure

NIS2 compliance: Safeguarding critical network infrastructure

The Network and Information Systems Directive 2 (NIS2) is a pivotal regulation reshaping the...
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Inspecting affected clients of 3CX DLL sideloading attack with IOTA

Inspecting affected clients of 3CX DLL sideloading attack with IOTA

At the end of March 2023, a supply chain attack on VoIP manufacturer 3CX became known. Their...
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High Security Network Monitoring with Data Diode Fiber TAP

High Security Network Monitoring with Data Diode Fiber TAP

Government, defense, and industrial IoT network infrastructures are constantly challenged by...
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Bypass TAPs - Safety Nets for Your In-line Appliances

Bypass TAPs - Safety Nets for Your In-line Appliances

To protect your network against an increasing number of outside threats, you need to place in-line...
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Network Security – the Rising Challenge of the 21st Century

Network Security – the Rising Challenge of the 21st Century

The internet has grown to a point where we cannot imagine life without it. From the beginning of...
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What Should a Portable Network Forensics Kit Look Like

What Should a Portable Network Forensics Kit Look Like

Whether you are a network forensics expert or part of a cybersecurity team, you need to have the...
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Why Timestamping Packets is Important for Packet Capture

Why Timestamping Packets is Important for Packet Capture

Everything happening on the network is time sensitive, that’s why timestamping packets are...
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All You Need to Know About Network Packet Brokers

All You Need to Know About Network Packet Brokers

The last decade experienced an overwhelming increase in network size, bandwidth, and traffic. IT...
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The Evolution of Portable Packet Capture Solutions

The Evolution of Portable Packet Capture Solutions

The future is here, some say. And we can hardly contradict them if we look at the outstanding IoT...
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