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Profitap Supervisor Release Notes

Profitap-Supervisor-LogoWith network growth ever on the rise, it can become more and more difficult to implement, manage, and maintain monitoring equipment such as Network Packet Brokers. Profitap Supervisor helps network administrators and engineers get an easy overview and a way to control a fleet of NPBs, and harness the network traffic with an optimally functioning and up-to-date system.

Devices Overview

The Devices section provides an overview of the devices managed by the Supervisor, and general information about them, such as their name, model, IP address, MAC address, system status, and availability.

Clicking on a device provides additional information about this device, and clicking the Manage button of a device opens this device's XX-Manager or X2-Manager GUI in a new tab.

From this dashboard, devices and groups can be added, modified, or removed. Groups can be used to organize extensive fleets of devices.




Devices Statistics

The Statistics section provides an overview of the traffic statistics of the devices, and groups of devices, managed by the Supervisor. Statistics can be displayed both per individual devices, and per device groups for an aggregated overview of a segment of the visibility network.




Firmware Update

The Firmware Update section allows firmware updates to be pushed to multiple devices in a batch. Once the update process is started, Supervisor handles the deployment of the new firmware to all of the selected devices.




Traffic Management

Supervisor integrates a Traffic Management section for a streamlined traffic forwarding process across an entire fleet of XX-Series and X2-Series devices.

The definition of the visibility network infrastructure works by first creating port groups, and then creating uplinks between NPBs, as well as connecting external devices, using these port groups.




Traffic aggregation and load balancing are done automatically depending on the number of ports within each port group.




Traffic forwarding rules can be created to forward traffic from one place of the network to another in a transparent manner. Supervisor calculates the optimal network path for each rule, and sends the appropriate rule creation instructions to each of the concerned NPBs.



Supervisor supports authentication for local users (user accounts created on the Supervisor), TACACS+, and RADIUS. One or more TACACS+ and RADIUS servers can be added to access Supervisor, and privileges configured for each entry. The priority and activation strategy of all possible authentication methods can be configured as well.


Help Section

The Help section eases users into utilizing Supervisor's various features.




Learn more about the Supervisor Centralized Management solution by visiting the Profitap Supervisor Product Page or downloading the Profitap Supervisor datasheet.